Deeper Learning

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Abby Benedetto

Abby is currently living the role of Deeper Learning Coach with Envision Learning Partners.  Over the last eleven years, she has had the opportunity to explore deeper learning through a variety of roles.  Presently as a Deeper Learning Coach, she has the opportunity to work with educators from schools, districts and other educational contexts across the country toward transforming education through the lens of performance assessment.  She works with schools all over California, and from Hawaii to New Hampshire with the goal of aligning deeper learning skills to authentic assessment practices and cohesive instructional design in order to engage all students in meaningful deeper learning.
Finding her way into this coaching role has been a bit of a trail of switchbacks.  Abby joined Envision Education 11 years ago as a founding teacher of an Envision School in San Francisco because she was lucky enough to be placed there as a student teacher while getting her masters in education from the MUSE program at UC Berkeley. She spent five years teaching English to ninth and tenth graders, most of whom were to be the first in their families to attend college.  In 2010, Abby was offered the opportunity to help build Envision Learning Partners, the externally-facing consulting branch of Envision, and stepped out of the classroom for the first time to design, plan, and begin implementation of sharing innovation around performance assessment and portfolio defense.  However she found that she missed the cacophony of teenagers too much, and so she returned to the classroom in 2012 for a joyful reunion with students she had taught two years prior, and practiced what she had learned as a coach until last June.  At that point, she found herself wanting a new challenge and so has once again stepped into the arena of adult learning.
 Outside of school, Abby embraces the beauty and magic of the Bay Area by running, hiking, eating delicious food, and appreciating amazing music and art.  She travels whenever it is humanly possible.  She stalks her former students on social media to see the incredible things they are doing, and takes them out for brunch whenever they will agree to it.  She is constantly searching for the "next big thing" she will learn or endeavor to do.