Here are the answers to the more commonly asked questions about Deep Learning Equity Fellows. If you do not see your question here, feel free to contact us.
Who are the fellows?
Fellows are mid-career leaders who have demonstrated a commitment to educational and societal equity. They range from superintendents, directors, and exceptional teacher or non-profit leaders to other innovative leaders in the field of education.
How many people are in each cohort?
Equity Fellows cohorts are generally about 16-20 people.
What does it mean to be an Equity Fellow? What responsibilities will I have?
To be an Equity Fellow means that you will continue to fight for equity, particularly as it connects to educational equity for deep learning opportunities. You will learn about and add to the discussion of the various factors that inform inequity, and you will create a strategy for addressing it in your context.
Can I nominate myself?
It is important that Equity Fellows be current or mid-career leaders. As such, they should be recognized with a nomination by someone else that can speak to the candidate’s leadership.
How long is the application process open?
There are two parts to the Deep Learning Equity Fellows application process: the nomination portion and the application portion. In general, the process opens once yearly in the late winter/early spring for several months.
What responsibilities do fellows have in between in-person and virtual convenings of the entire cohort?
Fellows meet virtually about once a month in “pods” of 4-6 fellows with an advisor/coach (see below) at mutually convenient times for pod members. They also schedule periodic one-on-one calls with their advisor as needed. Each fellow will work on their capstone project, through a development process that is meant to be iterative. Fellows will work virtually with “pods”/a small group of their peers to further develop their ideas for an equity project, identify the exact issue they want to address, meet with advisors, and so on.
What is the role of the mentors?
Mentors are experts in their fields and will provide insights in convenings and at other times as needed and arranged by DLEF leadership.
What is a capstone project? A project that you take on that supports our mission to expand deeper learning in public education across the country to those students who have been historically excluded from these opportunities.What are some examples of capstone projects?
Ultimately, we believe that the best projects will be the ones that you come up and which expand upon and add to the diversity of projects listed above.
Is each fellow required to complete a capstone project?
Yes; however, it is possible for several fellows to collaborate with fellow cohort members on one interrelated project.
How will fellows be supported with their capstone projects?
We have recruited an exceptional group of individuals committed to deep learning and equity who are DLEF alumni to serve as advisors/coaches.
What is the role of the advisors/coaches?
Advisors work with small groups of fellows in between convenings, with a particular focus on supporting the development and implementation of the capstone project.
What costs are covered and not covered by the Equity Fellows program?
All travel, accommodations, and meals associated with our convenings will be covered. It is expected that fellows participate in approximately 16 days worth of convenings in person and three virtual convenings over the course of the 18-month fellowship. We will not cover expenses to fellows' employers for time away from their jobs.